Your using of, and adhering to, this website are conditional to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Carefully read this section before using the website. The use of the masculine to designate the user is solely intended to lighten the text.
Information contained in this website comes from sources reputedly dependable, and is believed to be exact at the time it is displayed. However, it is provided without any guarantee.
Dcn Plastic and its partners decline responsibility, and do not guarantee the accuracy, the integrity, or the up-to-date status of this information, and reserve the right to modify it at any time, without prior notice.
Dcn Plastic is the owner of documents presented in this site, and retains all copyrights pertaining to them. No copy of this site, in whole or in part, by any process, is permitted without the express authorisation of Dcn Plastic.
Any program available to download from this website is protected by copyrights owned by Dcn Plastic and/or its suppliers. Use of a program is governed by terms of the user's licence contract, if any, which accompanies, or is included in, this program. User must accept terms of the user's licence contract before installing the program.
The program is available for downloading only by users as per terms of the license contract. Any reproduction or redistribution of this program which is not conform to the license contract is expressly forbidden by law. Any person who does not respect these clauses will be considered guilty of forgery and will be liable to penal sanctions as provided by law. Transferring copy or reproduction of the program towards another server or location for reproduction or redistribution is strictly prohibited. The program is guaranteed as per terms of license contract.
Links to other websites are provided for your information only and do not constitute an endorsement of those links or sites by Dcn Plastic. Dcn Plastic is not responsible for the content of such websites, for links they may contain, or for any change or updating made in such websites. Dcn Plastic cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of a link towards another site, particularly for loss of profit, breakdown, loss of programs or of data, even if Dcn Plastic is informed of their possibility. It is your responsibility to verify that items that you select are free of any virus or of any device of a destructive nature. Dcn Plastic supplies these links for your convenience only. Any website other than Dcn Plastic is independent from Dcn Plastic, and Dcn Plastic has no control over such a website.
Dcn Plastic manages its website in Daveluyville, Quebec, Canada, and you acknowledge that terms of use of this site, like any action or proceedings relating to this site will be governed by the laws of the Province of Quebec and/or the laws of Canada, according to which is applicable. If you choose to sue Dcn Plastic, you expressly acknowledge that Dcn Plastic will be free to choose the jurisdiction where this action will take place, wherever you live or wherever you have acceded to this site. By using this website, you acknowledge that the laws of the Province of Quebec or the laws of Canada are applicable and will govern any legal procedure.
Dcn Plastic reserves the right to modify this section at any time and for any reason. It is your responsibility to read it, since you are subject to eventual modifications. Nothing in the present section is intended to create an agreement or a contract between Dcn Plastic and the users browsing this website or supplying any identifiable information.
Dcn Plastic respects confidential information provided by individuals consulting its website and does not share any personal information with any outside organisation for their own marketing or promotional purposes. Information collected during your use of the site will be handled as follows :
- We may retrace your browsing and identify pages which interested you;
- We may transmit our latest news and our promotions to your attention ;
- We may use it in order to create statistics about site users.
This site does not use cookies. A cookie is a small program which can remember a user's browsing inside the site, and which stores information found on the user's hard drive. If ever Dcn Plastic was to use a cookie, you would have the opportunity to refuse it.
Dcn Plastic does not accept responsibility concerning confidential information policy of other sites accessed to through links from the website of Dcn Plastic. We strongly recommend that you check the privacy policy of any website before acceding to them.
Dcn Plastic makes every reasonable effort to protect confidential information transmitted through the Internet, and to ensure confidentiality of Internet transactions on its website. However, electronic mail is not a secure mean of communication; confidentiality of electronic communications cannot be guaranteed.
The Dcn Plastic website uses the Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protocol, which ensures highly secure online communication. Also, servers of the Dcn Plastic website are protected by a firewall technology.
However, no security mechanism is perfect, and you must be aware that there is always some risk that information transmitted to Dcn Plastic might be divulged without any fault on the part of Dcn Plastic, and without your consent.
Therefore Dcn Plastic accepts no responsibility resulting from any damage encountered while transmitting personal or confidential information to an employee of Dcn Plastic via Internet, or if Dcn Plastic was to transmit this kind of information to you at your request.
If you have any question or comment concerning this section, please contact us by e-mail at : info@dcnplastic.com